*fold.txt*      For IdeaVIM version 0.12.0.  Last change: 2006 Nov 12

                  IdeaVIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Rick Maddy

Folding                                         *Folding* *folding*

You can find an introduction on folding in chapter 28 of the user manual.

1. Fold methods         |fold-methods|
2. Fold commands        |fold-commands|
3. Fold options         |fold-options|
4. Behavior of folds    |fold-behavior|

Most folding behavior is controlled by IDEA.

1. Fold methods                                 *fold-methods*

2. Fold commands                                *fold-commands* *E490*

All folding commands start with "z".  Hint: the "z" looks like a folded piece
of paper, if you look at it from the side.


A fold smaller than 'foldminlines' will always be displayed like it was open.
Therefore the commands below may work differently on small folds.

zo              Open one fold under the cursor.  When a count is given, that
                many folds deep will be opened.  In Visual mode one level of
                folds is opened for all lines in the selected area.

zc              Close one fold under the cursor.  When a count is given, that
                many folds deep are closed.  In Visual mode one level of folds
                is closed for all lines in the selected area.
                'foldenable' will be set.

zM              Close all folds: set 'foldlevel' to 0.
                'foldenable' will be set.

zR              Open all folds.  This sets 'foldlevel' to highest fold level.

3. Fold options                                 *fold-options*

4. Behavior of folds                                    *fold-behavior*