*index.txt*     For IdeaVIM version 0.12.0.  Last change: 2007 Jan 01

                  IdeaVIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Rick Maddy

This file contains a list of all commands for each mode, with a tag and a
short description.  The lists are sorted on ASCII value.

Tip: When looking for certain functionality, use a search command.  E.g.,
to look for deleting something, use: "/delete".

1. Insert mode                          |insert-index|
2. Normal mode                          |normal-index|
   2.1. Text objects                    |objects|
   2.2. Window commands                 |CTRL-W|
   2.3. Square bracket commands         |[|
   2.4. Commands starting with 'g'      |g|
   2.5. Commands starting with 'z'      |z|
3. Visual mode                          |visual-index|
4. Command-line editing                 |ex-edit-index|
5. EX commands                          |ex-cmd-index|

For an overview of options see help.txt |option-list|.
For a complete description of each option see options.txt |options|.

1. Insert mode                                          *insert-index*

tag             char            action  

|i_CTRL-@|      CTRL-@          insert previously inserted text and stop
|i_CTRL-A|      CTRL-A          insert previously inserted text
                CTRL-B          not used
|i_CTRL-C|      CTRL-C          quit insert mode, without checking for
                                abbreviation, unless 'insertmode' set.
|i_CTRL-D|      CTRL-D          delete one shiftwidth of indent in the current
|i_CTRL-E|      CTRL-E          insert the character which is below the cursor
                CTRL-F          not used (but by default it's in 'cinkeys' to
                                re-indent the current line)
|i_<BS>|        <BS>            delete character before the cursor
|i_digraph|     {char1}<BS>{char2}
                                enter digraph (only when 'digraph' option set)
|i_CTRL-H|      CTRL-H          same as <BS>
|i_<Tab>|       <Tab>           insert a <Tab> character
|i_CTRL-I|      CTRL-I          same as <Tab>
|i_<NL>|        <NL>            same as <CR>
|i_CTRL-J|      CTRL-J          same as <CR>
|i_CTRL-K|      CTRL-K {char1} {char2}
                                enter digraph
|i_<CR>|        <CR>            begin new line
|i_CTRL-M|      CTRL-M          same as <CR>
|i_CTRL-O|      CTRL-O          execute a single command and return to insert
|i_CTRL-R|      CTRL-R {0-9a-z"%#*:=}
                                insert the contents of a register
|i_CTRL-T|      CTRL-T          insert one shiftwidth of indent in current
|i_CTRL-U|      CTRL-U          delete all entered characters in the current
|i_CTRL-V_digit| CTRL-V {number} insert three digit decimal number as a single
|i_CTRL-W|      CTRL-W          delete word before the cursor
|i_CTRL-Y|      CTRL-Y          insert the character which is above the cursor
|i_<Esc>|       <Esc>           end insert mode (unless 'insertmode' set)
|i_CTRL-[|      CTRL-[          same as <Esc>
|i_CTRL-\_CTRL-N| CTRL-\ CTRL-N  go to Normal mode
                CTRL-\ a - z    reserved for extensions
                CTRL-\ others   not used
|i_0_CTRL-D|    0 CTRL-D        delete all indent in the current line
|i_<Del>|       <Del>           delete character under the cursor

                Meta characters (0x80 to 0xff, 128 to 255)
                                not used

|i_<Left>|      <Left>          cursor one character left
|i_<S-Left>|    <S-Left>        cursor one word left
|i_<C-Left>|    <C-Left>        cursor one word left
|i_<Right>|     <Right>         cursor one character right
|i_<S-Right>|   <S-Right>       cursor one word right
|i_<C-Right>|   <C-Right>       cursor one word right
|i_<Up>|        <Up>            cursor one line up
|i_<S-Up>|      <S-Up>          same as <PageUp>
|i_<Down>|      <Down>          cursor one line down
|i_<S-Down>|    <S-Down>        same as <PageDown>
|i_<Home>|      <Home>          cursor to start of line
|i_<C-Home>|    <C-Home>        cursor to start of file
|i_<End>|       <End>           cursor past end of line
|i_<C-End>|     <C-End>         cursor past end of file
|i_<PageUp>|    <PageUp>        one screenfull backward
|i_<PageDown>|  <PageDown>      one screenfull forward
|i_<F1>|        <F1>            same as <Help>
|i_<Help>|      <Help>          stop insert mode and display help window
|i_<Insert>|    <Insert>        toggle Insert/Replace mode
|i_<LeftMouse>| <LeftMouse>     cursor at mouse click

2. Normal mode                                          *normal-index*

CHAR     any non-blank character
WORD     a sequence of non-blank characters
N        a number entered before the command
{motion} a cursor movement command
Nmove    the text that is moved over with a {motion}
SECTION  a section that possibly starts with '}' instead of '{'

note: 1 = cursor movement command; 2 = can be undone/redone

tag             char          note action in Normal mode        

                CTRL-@             not used
|CTRL-A|        CTRL-A          2  add N to number at/after cursor
|CTRL-B|        CTRL-B          1  scroll N screens Backwards
|CTRL-D|        CTRL-D             scroll Down N lines (default: half a screen)
|CTRL-E|        CTRL-E             scroll N lines upwards (N lines Extra)
|CTRL-F|        CTRL-F          1  scroll N screens Forward
|CTRL-G|        CTRL-G             display current file name and position
|<BS>|          <BS>            1  same as "h"
|CTRL-H|        CTRL-H          1  same as "h"
|<Tab>|         <Tab>           1  go to N newer entry in jump list
|CTRL-I|        CTRL-I          1  same as <Tab>
|<NL>|          <NL>            1  same as "j"
|CTRL-J|        CTRL-J          1  same as "j"
                CTRL-K             not used
|<CR>|          <CR>            1  cursor to the first CHAR N lines lower
|CTRL-M|        CTRL-M>         1  same as <CR>
|CTRL-N|        CTRL-N          1  same as "j"
|CTRL-O|        CTRL-O          1  go to N older entry in jump list
|CTRL-P|        CTRL-P          1  cursor N lines upward
                CTRL-Q             (used for terminal control flow)
|CTRL-R|        CTRL-R          2  redo changes which were undone with 'u'
                CTRL-S             not used
|CTRL-U|        CTRL-U             scroll N lines Upwards (default: half a
|CTRL-V|        CTRL-V             start blockwise Visual mode
|CTRL-X|        CTRL-X          2  subtract N from number at/after cursor
|CTRL-Y|        CTRL-Y             scroll N lines downwards
                CTRL-[ <Esc>       not used
|CTRL-\_CTRL-N| CTRL-\ CTRL-N      go to Normal mode (no-op)
                CTRL-\ a - z       reserved for extensions
                CTRL-\ others      not used
|CTRL-^|        CTRL-^             edit Nth alternate file (equivalent to
                                   ":e #N")
                CTRL-_             not used

|<Space>|       <Space>         1  same as "l"
|!!|            !!{filter}      2  filter N lines through the {filter} command
|quote|         "{a-zA-Z0-9.%#:-"}  use buffer {a-zA-Z0-9.%#:-"} for next
                                   delete, yank or put (uppercase to append)
                                   ({.%#:} only work with put)
|#|             #               1  search backward for the Nth occurrence of
                                   the ident under the cursor
|$|             $               1  cursor to the end of Nth next line
|%|             %               1  find the next (curly/square) bracket on
                                   this line and go to its match, or go to
                                   matching comment bracket, or go to matching
                                   preprocessor directive.
|N%|            {count}%        1  go to N percentage in the file
|&|             &               2  repeat last :s
|'|             '{a-zA-Z0-9}    1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line with
                                   mark {a-zA-Z0-9}
|''|            ''              1  cursor to the first CHAR of the line where
                                   the cursor was before the latest jump.
|'(|            '(              1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the
                                   start of the current sentence
|')|            ')              1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the
                                   end of the current sentence
|'<|            '<              1  cursor to the first CHAR of the line where
                                   highlighted area starts/started in the
                                   current buffer.
|'>|            '>              1  cursor to the first CHAR of the line where
                                   highlighted area ends/ended in the current
|'[|            '[              1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the
                                   start of last operated text or start of
                                   putted text
|']|            ']              1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the
                                   end of last operated text or end of putted
|'{|            '{              1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the
                                   start of the current paragraph
|'}|            '}              1  cursor to the first CHAR on the line of the
                                   end of the current paragraph
|(|             (               1  cursor N sentences backward
|)|             )               1  cursor N sentences forward
|star|          *               1  search forward for the Nth occurrence of
                                   the ident under the cursor
|+|             +               1  cursor to the first CHAR N lines lower
|,|             ,               1  repeat latest f, t, F or T in opposite
                                   direction N times
|-|             -               1  cursor to the first CHAR N lines higher
|.|             .               2  repeat last change with count replaced with
|/|             /{pattern}<CR>  1  search forward for the Nth occurrence of
|/<CR>|         /<CR>           1  search forward for {pattern} of last search
|count|         0               1  cursor to the first char of the line
|count|         1                  prepend to command to give a count
|count|         2                       "
|count|         3                       "
|count|         4                       "
|count|         5                       "
|count|         6                       "
|count|         7                       "
|count|         8                       "
|count|         9                       "
|:|             :               1  start entering an Ex command
|N:|            {count}:           start entering an Ex command with range
                                   from current line to N lines down
|;|             ;               1  repeat latest f, t, F or T N times
|<|             <{motion}       2  shift Nmove lines one 'shiftwidth'
|<<|            <<              2  shift N lines one 'shiftwidth' leftwards
|==|            ==              2  filter N lines through "indent"
|>|             >{motion}       2  shift Nmove lines one 'shiftwidth'
|>>|            >>              2  shift N lines one 'shiftwidth' rightwards
|?|             ?{pattern}<CR>  1  search backward for the Nth previous
                                   occurrence of {pattern}
|?<CR>|         ?<CR>           1  search backward for {pattern} of last search
|@|             @{a-z}          2  execute the contents of named buffer {a-z}
                                   N times
|@:|            @:                 repeat the previous ":" command N times
|@@|            @@              2  repeat the previous @{a-z} N times
|A|             A               2  append text after the end of the line N times
|B|             B               1  cursor N WORDS backward
|C|             ["x]C           2  change from the cursor position to the end
                                   of the line, and N-1 more lines [into
                                   buffer x]; synonym for "c$"
|D|             ["x]D           2  delete the characters under the cursor
                                   until the end of the line and N-1 more
                                   lines [into buffer x]; synonym for "d$"
|E|             E               1  cursor forward to the end of WORD N
|F|             F{char}         1  cursor to the Nth occurrence of {char} to
                                   the left
|G|             G               1  cursor to line N, default last line
|H|             H               1  cursor to line N from top of screen
|I|             I               2  insert text before the first CHAR on the
                                   line N times
|J|             J               2  Join N lines; default is 2
|K|             K                  lookup Keyword under the cursor with
|L|             L               1  cursor to line N from bottom of screen
|M|             M               1  cursor to middle line of screen
|N|             N               1  repeat the latest '/' or '?' N times in
                                   opposite direction
|O|             O               2  begin a new line above the cursor and
                                   insert text, repeat N times
|P|             ["x]P           2  put the text [from buffer x] before the
                                   cursor N times
|R|             R               2  enter replace mode: overtype existing
                                   characters, repeat the entered text N-1
|S|             ["x]S           2  delete N lines [into buffer x] and start
                                   insert; synonym for "^cc" or "0cc",
                                   depending on autoindent
|T|             T{char}         1  cursor till after Nth occurrence of {char}
                                   to the left
|V|             V                  start linewise Visual mode
|W|             W               1  cursor N WORDS forward
|X|             ["x]X           2  delete N characters before the cursor [into
                                   buffer x]
|Y|             ["x]Y              yank N lines [into buffer x]; synonym for
|ZZ|            ZZ                 store current file if modified, and exit
|ZQ|            ZQ                 exit current file always
|[|             [{char}            square bracket command (see below)
                \                  not used
|]|             ]{char}            square bracket command (see below)
|^|             ^               1  cursor to the first CHAR of the line
|_|             _               1  cursor to the first CHAR N - 1 lines lower
|`|             `{a-zA-Z0-9}    1  cursor to the mark {a-zA-Z0-9}
|`(|            `(              1  cursor to the start of the current sentence
|`)|            `)              1  cursor to the end of the current sentence
|`<|            `<              1  cursor to the start of the highlighted area
|`>|            `>              1  cursor to the end of the highlighted area
|`[|            `[              1  cursor to the start of last operated text
                                   or start of putted text
|`]|            `]              1  cursor to the end of last operated text or
                                   end of putted text
|``|            ``              1  cursor to the position before latest jump
|`{|            `{              1  cursor to the start of the current paragraph
|`}|            `}              1  cursor to the end of the current paragraph
|a|             a               2  append text after the cursor N times
|b|             b               1  cursor N words backward
|c|             ["x]c{motion}   2  delete Nmove text [into buffer x] and start
|cc|            ["x]cc          2  delete N lines [into buffer x] and start
|d|             ["x]d{motion}   2  delete Nmove text [into buffer x]
|dd|            ["x]dd          2  delete N lines [into buffer x]
|e|             e               1  cursor forward to the end of word N
|f|             f{char}         1  cursor to Nth occurrence of {char} to the
|g|             g{char}            extended commands, see below
|h|             h               1  cursor N chars to the left
|i|             i               2  insert text before the cursor N times
|j|             j               1  cursor N lines downward
|k|             k               1  cursor N lines upward
|l|             l               1  cursor N chars to the right
|m|             m{A-Za-z}          set mark {A-Za-z} at cursor position
|n|             n               1  repeat the latest '/' or '?' N times
|o|             o               2  begin a new line below the cursor and
                                   insert text, repeat N times
|p|             ["x]p           2  put the text [from register x] after the
                                   cursor N times
|q|             q{0-9a-zA-Z"}      record typed characters into named register
                                   {0-9a-zA-Z"} (uppercase to append)
|q|             q                  (while recording) stops recording
|r|             r{char}         2  replace N chars with {char}
|s|             ["x]s           2  (substitute) delete N characters [into
                                   buffer x] and start insert
|t|             t{char}         1  cursor till before Nth occurrence of {char}
                                   to the right
|u|             u               2  undo changes
|v|             v                  start characterwise Visual mode
|w|             w               1  cursor N words forward
|x|             ["x]x           2  delete N characters under and after the
                                   cursor [into buffer x]
|y|             ["x]y{motion}      yank Nmove text [into buffer x]
|yy|            ["x]yy             yank N lines [into buffer x]
|z|             z{char}            commands starting with 'z', see below
|{|             {               1  cursor N paragraphs backward
|bar|           |               1  cursor to column N
|}|             }               1  cursor N paragraphs forward
|~|             ~               2  switch case of N characters
                                   under cursor and move the cursor N
                                   characters to the right
|<C-End>|       <C-End>         1  same as "G"
|<C-Home>|      <C-Home>        1  same as "gg"
|<C-Left>|      <C-Left>        1  same as "b"
|<C-Right>|     <C-Right>       1  same as "w"
|<Del>|         ["x]<Del>       2  same as "x"
|N<Del>|        {count}<Del>       remove the last digit from {count}
|<Down>|        <Down>          1  same as "j"
|<End>|         <End>           1  same as "$"
|<F1>|          <F1>               same as <Help>
|<Help>|        <Help>             open a help window
|<Home>|        <Home>          1  same as "0"
|<Insert>|      <Insert>        2  same as "i"
|<Left>|        <Left>          1  same as "h"
|<LeftMouse>|   <LeftMouse>     1  move cursor to the mouse click position
|<PageDown>|    <PageDown>         same as CTRL-F
|<PageUp>|      <PageUp>           same as CTRL-B
|<Right>|       <Right>         1  same as "l"
|<S-Down>|      <S-Down>        1  same as CTRL-F
|<S-Left>|      <S-Left>        1  same as "b"
|<S-Right>|     <S-Right>       1  same as "w"
|<S-Up>|        <S-Up>          1  same as CTRL-B
|<Undo>|        <Undo>          2  same as "u"
|<Up>|          <Up>            1  same as "k"

2.1 Text objects                                                *objects*

These can be used after an operator or in Visual mode to select an object.

tag             command            action in Normal mode        

|v_a(|          a(                 same as ab
|v_a)|          a)                 same as ab
|v_a<|          a<                 "a <>" from '<' to the matching '>'
|v_a>|          a>                 same as a<
|v_aB|          aB                 "a Block" from "[{" to "]}" (with brackets)
|v_aW|          aW                 "a WORD" (with white space)
|v_a[|          a[                 "a []" from '[' to the matching ']'
|v_a]|          a]                 same as a[
|v_ab|          ab                 "a block" from "[(" to "])" (with braces)
|v_ap|          ap                 "a paragraph" (with white space)
|v_as|          as                 "a sentence" (with white space)
|v_aw|          aw                 "a word" (with white space)
|v_a{|          a{                 same as aB
|v_a}|          a}                 same as aB
|v_i(|          i(                 same as ib
|v_i)|          i)                 same as ib
|v_i<|          i<                 "inner <>" from '<' to the matching '>'
|v_i>|          i>                 same as i<
|v_iB|          iB                 "inner Block" from "[{" and "]}"
|v_iW|          iW                 "inner WORD"
|v_i[|          i[                 "inner []" from '[' to the matching ']'
|v_i]|          i]                 same as i[
|v_ib|          ib                 "inner block" from "[(" to "])"
|v_ip|          ip                 "inner paragraph"
|v_is|          is                 "inner sentence"
|v_iw|          iw                 "inner word"
|v_i{|          i{                 same as iB
|v_i}|          i}                 same as iB

2.2 Window commands                                             *CTRL-W*

tag             command            action in Normal mode        

2.3 Square bracket commands                                     *[* *]*

tag             char          note action in Normal mode        

|[(|            [(              1  cursor N times back to unmatched '('
|[P|            [P              2  same as "[p"
|[[|            [[              1  cursor N sections backward
|[]|            []              1  cursor N SECTIONS backward
|[b|            [b              1  cursor N camel words backward
|[p|            [p              2  like "P", but adjust indent to current line
|[m|            [m              1  cursor N times back to start of member
|[w|            [w              1  cursor N camel words forward
|[{|            [{              1  cursor N times back to unmatched '{'
|])|            ])              1  cursor N times forward to unmatched ')'
|]P|            ]P              2  same as "[p"
|][|            ][              1  cursor N SECTIONS forward
|]]|            ]]              1  cursor N sections forward
|]b|            ]b              1  cursor backward to the end of camel word N
|]p|            ]p              2  like "p", but adjust indent to current line
|]m|            ]m              1  cursor N times forward to end of member
|]w|            ]w              1  cursor forward to the end of camel word N
|]}|            ]}              1  cursor N times forward to unmatched '}'

2.4 Commands starting with 'g'                                          *g*

tag             char          note action in Normal mode        

|g_CTRL-G|      g_CTRL-G           show information about current cursor
|g#|            g#              1  like "#", but without using "\<" and "\>"
|g$|            g$              1  when 'wrap' off go to rightmost character of
                                   the current line that is on the screen;
                                   when 'wrap' on go to the rightmost character
                                   of the current screen line
|g&|            g&              2  repeat last ":s" on all lines
|g'|            g'{mark}        1  like |'| but without changing the jumplist
|g`|            g`{mark}        1  like |`| but without changing the jumplist
|g(|            g(              1  cursor N sentence ends backward
|g)|            g)              1  cursor N sentence ends forward
|gstar|         g*              1  like "*", but without using "\<" and "\>"
|g0|            g0              1  when 'wrap' off go to leftmost character of
                                   the current line that is on the screen;
                                   when 'wrap' on go to the leftmost character
                                   of the current screen line
|g8|            g8                 print hex value of bytes used in UTF-8
                                   character under the cursor
|gD|            gD              1  go to definition of word under the cursor
                                   in current file
|gE|            gE              1  go backwards to the end of the previous
|gI|            gI              2  like "I", but always start in column 1
|gJ|            gJ              2  join lines without inserting space
|gP|            ["x]gP          2  put the text [from register x] before the
                                   cursor N times, leave the cursor after it
|gU|            gU{motion}      2  make Nmove text uppercase
|g^|            g^              1  when 'wrap' off go to leftmost non-white
                                   character of the current line that is on
                                   the screen; when 'wrap' on go to the
                                   leftmost non-white character of the current
                                   screen line
|ga|            ga                 print ascii value of character under the
|gd|            gd              1  go to definition of word under the cursor
                                   in current function
|ge|            ge              1  go backwards to the end of the previous
|gg|            gg              1  cursor to line N, default first line
|gi|            gi              2  like "i", but first move to the |'^| mark
|gj|            gj              1  like "j", but when 'wrap' on go N screen
                                   lines down
|gk|            gk              1  like "k", but when 'wrap' on go N screen
                                   lines up
|gm|            gm              1  go to character at middle of the screenline
|go|            go              1  cursor to byte N in the buffer
|gp|            ["x]gp          2  put the text [from register x] after the
                                   cursor N times, leave the cursor after it
|gu|            gu{motion}      2  make Nmove text lowercase
|gv|            gv                 reselect the previous Visual area
|g~|            g~{motion}      2  swap case for Nmove text
|g<Down>|       g<Down>         1  same as "gj"
|g<End>|        g<End>          1  same as "g$"
|g<Home>|       g<Home>         1  same as "g0"
|g<Up>|         g<Up>           1  same as "gk"

2.5 Commands starting with 'z'                                          *z*

tag             char          note action in Normal mode        

|z<CR>|         z<CR>              redraw, cursor line to top of window,
                                   cursor on first non-blank
|z+|            z+                 cursor on line N (default line below
                                   window), otherwise like "z<CR>"
|z-|            z-                 redraw, cursor line at bottom of window,
                                   cursor on first non-blank
|z.|            z.                 redraw, cursor line to center of window,
                                   cursor on first non-blank
|zM|            zM                 set 'foldlevel' to zero
|zR|            zR                 set 'foldlevel' to the deepest fold
|z^|            z^                 cursor on line N (default line above
                                   window), otherwise like "z-"
|zb|            zb                 redraw, cursor line at bottom of window
|zc|            zc                 close a fold
|ze|            ze                 when 'wrap' off scroll horizontally to
                                   position the cursor at the end (right side)
                                   of the screen
|zh|            zh                 when 'wrap' off scroll screen N characters
                                   to the right
|zl|            zl                 when 'wrap' off scroll screen N characters
                                   to the left
|zo|            zo                 open fold
|zs|            zs                 when 'wrap' off scroll horizontally to
                                   position the cursor at the start (left
                                   side) of the screen
|zt|            zt                 redraw, cursor line at top of window
|zz|            zz                 redraw, cursor line at center of window
|z<Left>|       z<Left>            same as "zh"
|z<Right>|      z<Right>           same as "zl"

3. Visual mode                                          *visual-index*

Most commands in Visual mode are the same as in Normal mode. The ones listed
here are those that are different.

tag             command       note action in Visual mode        

|v_CTRL-\_CTRL-N| CTRL-\ CTRL-N    stop Visual mode
|v_CTRL-Q|      CTRL-Q             same a CTRL-V
|v_CTRL-V|      CTRL-V             make Visual mode blockwise or stop Visual
|v_!|           !{filter}       2  filter the highlighted lines through the
                                   external command {filter}
|v_:|           :                  start a command-line with the highlighted
                                   lines as a range
|v_<|           <               2  shift the highlighted lines one
                                   'shiftwidth' left
|v_=|           =               2  filter the highlighted lines through the
                                   external program given with the 'equalprg'
|v_>|           >               2  shift the highlighted lines one
                                   'shiftwidth' right
|v_b_A|         A               2  block mode: append same text in all lines,
                                   after the highlighted area
|v_C|           C               2  delete the highlighted lines and start
|v_D|           D               2  delete the highlighted lines
|v_b_I|         I               2  block mode: insert same text in all lines,
                                   before the highlighted area
|v_J|           J               2  join the highlighted lines
|v_O|           O                  Move horizontally to other corner of area.
                Q                  does not start Ex mode
|v_R|           R               2  delete the highlighted lines and start
|v_S|           S               2  delete the highlighted lines and start
|v_U|           U               2  make highlighted area uppercase
|v_V|           V                  make Visual mode linewise or stop Visual
|v_X|           X               2  delete the highlighted lines
|v_Y|           Y                  yank the highlighted lines
|v_a(|          a(                 same as ab
|v_a)|          a)                 same as ab
|v_a<|          a<                 extend highlighted area with a <> block
|v_a>|          a>                 same as a<
|v_aB|          aB                 extend highlighted area with a {} block
|v_aW|          aW                 extend highlighted area with "a WORD"
|v_a[|          a[                 extend highlighted area with a [] block
|v_a]|          a]                 same as a[
|v_ab|          ab                 extend highlighted area with a () block
|v_ap|          ap                 extend highlighted area with a paragraph
|v_as|          as                 extend highlighted area with a sentence
|v_aw|          aw                 extend highlighted area with "a word"
|v_a{|          a{                 same as aB
|v_a}|          a}                 same as aB
|v_c|           c               2  delete highlighted area and start insert
|v_d|           d               2  delete highlighted area
|v_gJ|          gJ              2  join the highlighted lines without
                                   inserting spaces
|v_gq|          gq              2  format the highlighted lines
|v_gv|          gv                 exchange current and previous highlighted
|v_i(|          i(                 same as ib
|v_i)|          i)                 same as ib
|v_i<|          i<                 extend highlighted area with inner <> block
|v_i>|          i>                 same as i<
|v_iB|          iB                 extend highlighted area with inner {} block
|v_iW|          iW                 extend highlighted area with "inner WORD"
|v_i[|          i[                 extend highlighted area with inner [] block
|v_i]|          i]                 same as i[
|v_ib|          ib                 extend highlighted area with inner () block
|v_ip|          ip                 extend highlighted area with inner paragraph
|v_is|          is                 extend highlighted area with inner sentence
|v_iw|          iw                 extend highlighted area with "inner word"
|v_i{|          i{                 same as iB
|v_i}|          i}                 same as iB
|v_o|           o                  move cursor to other corner of area
|v_r|           r               2  delete highlighted area and start insert
|v_s|           s               2  delete highlighted area and start insert
|v_u|           u               2  make highlighted area lowercase
|v_v|           v                  make Visual mode characterwise or stop
                                   Visual mode
|v_x|           x               2  delete the highlighted area
|v_y|           y                  yank the highlighted area
|v_~|           ~               2  swap case for the highlighted area

4. Command-line editing                                 *ex-edit-index*

Get to the command-line with the ':', '!', '/' or '?' commands.
Normal characters are inserted at the current cursor position.

                CTRL-@          not used
|c_CTRL-B|      CTRL-B          cursor to begin of command-line
|c_CTRL-C|      CTRL-C          same as <ESC>
|c_CTRL-E|      CTRL-E          cursor to end of command-line
                CTRL-G          not used
|c_<BS>|        <BS>            delete the character in front of the cursor
|c_CTRL-H|      CTRL-H          same as <BS>
|c_<NL>|        <NL>            same as <CR>
|c_CTRL-J|      CTRL-J          same as <CR>
|c_CTRL-K|      CTRL-K {char1} {char2}
                                enter digraph
|c_<CR>|        <CR>            execute entered command
|c_<CR>|        CTRL-M          same as <CR>
|c_CTRL-Q|      CTRL-Q          same as CTRL-V, unless it's used for terminal
                                control flow
|c_CTRL-U|      CTRL-U          remove all characters
|c_CTRL-V|      CTRL-V          insert next non-digit literally, insert three
                                digit decimal number as a single byte.
|c_CTRL-W|      CTRL-W          delete the word in front of the cursor
                CTRL-X          not used (reserved for completion)
                CTRL-Z          not used (reserved for suspend)
|c_<Esc>|       <Esc>           abandon command-line without executing it
|c_<Esc>|       CTRL-[          same as <Esc>
                CTRL-\ a - z    reserved for extensions
                CTRL-\ others   not used
                CTRL-]          not used
|c_<Del>|       <Del>           delete the character under the cursor

|c_<Left>|      <Left>          cursor left
|c_<S-Left>|    <S-Left>        cursor one word left
|c_<C-Left>|    <C-Left>        cursor one word left
|c_<Right>|     <Right>         cursor right
|c_<S-Right>|   <S-Right>       cursor one word right
|c_<C-Right>|   <C-Right>       cursor one word right
|c_<Up>|        <Up>            recall previous command-line from history that
                                matches pattern in front of the cursor
|c_<S-Up>|      <S-Up>          recall previous command-line from history
|c_<Down>|      <Down>          recall next command-line from history that
                                matches pattern in front of the cursor
|c_<S-Down>|    <S-Down>        recall next command-line from history
|c_<Home>|      <Home>          cursor to start of command-line
|c_<End>|       <End>           cursor to end of command-line
|c_<PageDown>|  <PageDown>      same as <S-Down>
|c_<PageUp>|    <PageUp>        same as <S-Up>
|c_<Insert>|    <Insert>        toggle insert/overstrike mode
|c_<LeftMouse>| <LeftMouse>     cursor at mouse click

5. EX commands                                  *ex-cmd-index* *:index*

This is a brief but complete listing of all the ":" commands, without
mentioning any arguments.  The optional part of the command name is inside [].
The commands are sorted on the non-optional part of their name.

|:!|            :!              filter lines or execute an external command
|:!!|           :!!             repeat last ":!" command
|:&|            :&              repeat last ":substitute"
|:<|            :<              shift lines one 'shiftwidth' left
|:>|            :>              shift lines one 'shiftwidth' right
|:@|            :@              execute contents of a register
|:@@|           :@@             repeat the previous ":@"
|:Next|         :N[ext]         go to previous file in the argument list
|:argument|     :argu[ment]     go to specific file in the argument list
|:ascii|        :as[cii]        print ascii value of character under the cursor
|:browse|       :bro[wse]       use file selection dialog
|:class|        :cla[ss]        find class in project and edit it (not in Vim)
|:close|        :clo[se]        close current window
|:copy|         :co[py]         copy lines
|:delete|       :d[elete]       delete lines
|:display|      :di[splay]      display registers
|:digraphs|     :dig[raphs]     show or enter digraphs
|:edit|         :e[dit]         edit a file
|:exit|         :exi[t]         same as ":xit"
|:find|         :fin[d]         find file in 'path' and edit it
|:first|        :fir[st]        go to the first file in the argument list
|:goto|         :go[to]         go to byte in the buffer
|:help|         :h[elp]         open a help window
|:hide|         :hid[e]         close current editor
|:history|      :his[tory]      print a history list
|:join|         :j[oin]         join lines
|:jumps|        :ju[mps]        print the jump list
|:k|            :k              set a mark
|:last|         :la[st]         go to the last file in the argument list
|:move|         :m[ove]         move lines
|:mark|         :ma[rk]         set a mark
|:marks|        :marks          list all marks
|:next|         :n[ext]         go to next file in the argument list
|:nohlsearch|   :noh[lsearch]   suspend 'hlsearch' highlighting
|:only|         :on[ly]         close all windows except current one
|:previous|     :prev[ious]     go to previous file in argument list
|:promptfind|   :pro[mptfind]   Search dialog
|:promptrepl|   :promptr[epl]   Search/Replace dialog
|:put|          :pu[t]          insert contents of register in the text
|:quit|         :q[uit]         quit current window (when one window quit Vim)
|:quitall|      :quita[ll]      quit Vim
|:qall|         :qa[ll]         quit Vim
|:redo|         :red[o]         redo one undone change
|:registers|    :reg[isters]    display the contents of registers
|:rewind|       :rew[ind]       go to the first file in the argument list
|:substitute|   :s[ubstitute]   find and replace text
|:set|          :se[t]          show or set options
|:t|            :t              same as ":copy"
|:undo|         :u[ndo]         undo last change(s)
|:write|        :w[rite]        write to a file
|:wNext|        :wN[ext]        write to a file and go to previous file in
                                argument list
|:wall|         :wa[ll]         write all (changed) buffers
|:wnext|        :wn[ext]        write to a file and go to next file in
                                argument list
|:wprevious|    :wp[revious]    write to a file and go to previous file in
                                argument list
|:wq|           :wq             write to a file and quit window or Vim
|:wqall|        :wqa[ll]        write all changed buffers and quit Vim
|:xit|          :x[it]          write if buffer changed and quit window or Vim
|:xall|         :xa[ll]         same as ":wqall"
|:yank|         :y[ank]         yank lines into a register
|:~|            :~              repeat last ":substitute"