*starting.txt*  For IdeaVIM version 0.12.0.  Last change: 2006 Nov 12

                  IdeaVIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Rick Maddy

Starting Vim                                            *starting*

1. Vim arguments                |vim-arguments|
2. Vim on the Amiga             |starting-amiga|
3. Running eVim                 |evim-keys|
4. Initialization               |initialization|
5. $VIM and $VIMRUNTIME         |$VIM|
6. Suspending                   |suspend|
7. Saving settings              |save-settings|
8. Views and Sessions           |views-sessions|
9. The viminfo file             |viminfo-file|

1. Vim arguments                                        *vim-arguments*

This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.
2. Vim on the Amiga                                     *starting-amiga*

This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.
3. Running eVim                                                 *evim-keys*

This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.
4. Initialization                               *initialization* *startup*

This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.
This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.
6. Suspending                                           *suspend*

This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.
7. Saving settings                                      *save-settings*

This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.
8. Views and Sessions                                   *views-sessions*

This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.
9. The viminfo file                             *viminfo* *viminfo-file* *E136*
                                                *E575* *E576* *E577*
This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.

Though IdeaVIM does rember the following across executions of IDEA:
- Contents of registers.
- Marks for several files.
- File marks, pointing to locations in files.
- Last search/substitute pattern (for 'n' and '&').
- The buffer list.

Uppercase marks ('A to 'Z) are stored when writing the viminfo file.  The
numbered marks ('0 to '9) are a bit special.  When the viminfo file is written
(when exiting or with the ":wviminfo" command), '0 is set to the current cursor
position and file.  The old '0 is moved to '1, '1 to '2, etc.  This
resembles what happens with the "1 to "9 delete registers.  If the current
cursor position is already present in '0 to '9, it is moved to '0, to avoid
having the same position twice.  The result is that with "'0", you can jump
back to the file and line where you exited Vim.