
*usr_05.txt*    For IdeaVIM version 0.12.0.  Last change: 2006 Dec 01

                     IdeaVIM USER MANUAL - by Rick Maddy

                              Set your settings

Vim can be tuned to work like you want it to.  This chapter shows you how to
make Vim start with options set to different values.  Add plugins to extend
Vims capabilities.  Or define your own macros.

|05.1|  The vimrc file
|05.2|  The example vimrc file explained
|05.3|  Simple mappings
|05.4|  Adding a plugin
|05.5|  Adding a help file
|05.6|  The option window
|05.7|  Often used options

     Next chapter: |usr_06.txt|  Using syntax highlighting
 Previous chapter: |usr_04.txt|  Making small changes
Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|

*05.1*  The vimrc file                                  *vimrc-intro*

You probably got tired of typing commands that you use very often.  To start
with all your favorite option settings, you write them in what is
called the vimrc file.  IdeaVIM reads this file when it starts up.

For Unix and Mac this file is always used:


For MS-DOS and MS-Windows it is mostly one of these:


The vimrc file can contain all the commands that you type after a colon.  The
most simple ones are for setting options.  For example, if you want IdeaVIM to
always start with the 'hlsearch' option on, add this line you your vimrc

        set hlsearch

For this new line to take effect you need to exit IdeaVIM and start it again.
Later you will learn how to do this without exiting IdeaVIM.

This chapter only explains the most basic items.  For more information on how
to write a IdeaVIM script file: |usr_41.txt|.

*05.2*  The example vimrc file explained                *vimrc_example.vim*

In this section we will explain the various commands used in this file.  This
will give you hints about how to set up your own preferences.  Not everything
will be explained though.  Use the ":help" command to find out more.

        set autoindent

This makes IdeaVIM use the indent of the previous line for a newly created line.
Thus there is the same amount of white space before the new line.  For example
when pressing <Enter> in Insert mode, and when using the "o" command to open a
new line.

        set history=50

Keep 50 commands and 50 search patterns in the history.  Use another number if
you want to remember fewer or more lines.

*05.3*  Simple mappings

This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.

*05.4*  Adding a plugin                                 *add-plugin* *plugin*

This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.

*05.5*  Adding a help file              *add-local-help* *matchit-install*

This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.

*05.6*  The option window

If you are looking for an option that does what you want, you can search in
the help files here: |options|.

*05.7*  Often used options

There are an awful lot of options.  Most of them you will hardly ever use.
Some of the more useful ones will be mentioned here.  Don't forget you can
find more help on these options with the ":help" command, with single quotes
before and after the option name.  For example:

        :help 'wrap'

In case you have messed up an option value, you can set it back to the
default by putting a ampersand (&) after the option name.  Example:

        :set smartcase&

IdeaVIM will automatically scroll the text when you move to text that is not
displayed.  To see a context of ten characters, do this:

        :set sidescroll=10

This doesn't change the text in the file, only the way it is displayed.

Next chapter: |usr_06.txt|  Using syntax highlighting

Copyright: see |manual-copyright|