
*usr_09.txt*    For IdeaVIM version 0.12.0.  Last change: 2006 Nov 12

                     IdeaVIM USER MANUAL - by Rick Maddy

                                Using the GUI

Vim works in an ordinary terminal.  GVim can do the same things and a few
more.  The GUI offers menus, a toolbar, scrollbars and other items.  This
chapter is about these extra things that the GUI offers.

|09.1|  Parts of the GUI
|09.2|  Using the mouse
|09.3|  The clipboard
|09.4|  Select mode

     Next chapter: |usr_10.txt|  Making big changes
 Previous chapter: |usr_08.txt|  Splitting windows
Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|

*09.1*  Parts of the GUI

This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.

*09.2*  Using the mouse

This information does not apply to IdeaVIM.

*09.3*  The clipboard

In section |04.7| the basic use of the clipboard was explained.

You don't need to select text with the mouse, using the keyboard commands for
Visual mode works just as well.


   To put text on the real clipboard, select a few different words in one of
the editors.  Then use the Edit/Copy menu entry.  Now the text
has been copied to the real clipboard.  You can't see this, unless you have
some application that shows the clipboard contents (e.g., KDE's klipper).
   Now select the other application, position the cursor somewhere and use the
Edit/Paste menu.  You will see the text from the real clipboard is inserted.


If you don't like using the mouse, you can access the real clipboard with
the "+ register.

The "+ register is used for the real clipboard.  For example, to copy the text
from the cursor position until the end of the line to the clipboard:


Remember, "y" is yank, which is IdeaVIM's copy command.
   To insert the contents of the real clipboard before the cursor:


*09.4*  Select mode

This functionality is not currently support by IdeaVIM.

Next chapter: |usr_10.txt|  Making big changes

Copyright: see |manual-copyright|